all of us...

the date: june 9-11, 1995
the place: chicago, illinois
the occasion: the first (and only) official crossroads' gathering
the participants: jesse, sparky, kyra, zingaro, endofpain, lethe, gibby, excalibur, pye, sherkahn, debby, hess, klingon, mrs. klingon, keener (and his band of merry muvians) and our adopted mascot: patrick.

crossroads was a NUTS-based internet talker which was the brain-child of jesse and sparky. it was the first talker i have ever logged onto, and it became a place at which i met some of the best people i've ever had the honour of knowing.

after a year in operation, a group of us decided that it would be a really cool idea to get together and meet each other in real life, not pixel to pixel as we had been. and, thanks to the labourious efforts of debby (thank you! thank you! thank you!) it all came together, and so did we. i'm not sure if chicago's recovered to this day.

from left to right:
back: zingaro, kyra, sherekahn, hess, endofpain, gibby & excalibur
front: klingon, mrs. klingon, sparky, jesse, debby & lethe

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