i finally got around to buying a thermometer for my apartment. it’s an old building, built without benefit of insulation i suspect, so it’s expected to have hot/cold issues. compounding my plight is my south-west exposure which gets all the lovely afternoon and evening sun pummelling it all summer long. i’ve known, for the last four summers, that my apartment soaks up and holds the heat very, very well during those sunny summer months. now i will have a means to track just how hot it gets.
for example, the environment canada website currently says that it is 21°C in vancouver. my thermometer says it’s 27.5°C inside my apartment. check out the cam link over there –>, i have it trained on my new toy. we shall call it the “thermo-cam”!
anyway, to escape the heat, i’m going to take my dad out to dinner now. i thought today was father’s day when i arranged this outing. oops. it’s not until next sunday. that just means dad has to wait a week for his card! *tee hee*
that’s why my place rules. hours of ambient light, never direct light. oh, and the concrete floors make my place never warmer than a lovely 21 degrees.
i’m moving in. be there in twenty minutes.
mmm concrete floors in the summer…