other than a fast trip to the store to buy doritos and fruit last night, i didn’t leave my apartment all weekend.
no. nothing is wrong.
no. i don’t want to talk about it.
really, i’m fine.
the doritos were really tasty.
i liked being alone and unbothered with plans or responsibilities. i wish i could have stayed there for at least another day. the futon was really very comfortable this morning.
ever notice how chewing is one of the most unattractive things a person can do with their face? if you most people knew what they looked like while masticating, i guarantee they’d only do it in private.

8 Thoughts on “hello

  1. blowing coke out of ones nose (and subsequent facial features) is pretty darn unattractive. and messy.

  2. why would you blow coke *out* of your nose?

  3. I left the house on Saturday… had to get away and NOT think about recent events, but Sunday was all house. Well, except for a trip to the store, but food IS a good thing, even if you have to masticate in the presence of others.

  4. any reason to use the word “masticate”, eh?

  5. I’m reminded of an old Beavis and Butthead episode where they’re visiting an art museum and both end up in evil giggles with Daria saying “she said master PAINTers.”
    For some odd reason.

  6. funny you should say that.. just yesterday, I was walking to the bathroom. and this woman was walking with a tupperware container, eating something with a spoon.. on her way to the bathroom.. it disgusted me

  7. She wasn’t eating IN the bathroom, was she? Perhaps she had her stomach stapled, or worse yet, removed entirely, and now, when she eats, she has 23.656 seconds to get to the restroom before nature, gravity, and body functions take over.
    Just maybe.

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