i’m so going to do this!
of course, i’ll have to modify it a bit for the digicam, but i think it will be a good exercise for me. as a bit more incentive, at the end of the eight weeks i’ll post my selections for your viewing pleasure and even send a 5″x7″ set of all eight photos to the first person who emails me at that time.
gah, self-imposed pressure! there’s a lot of that going on lately…
i’ve signed up to participate in the CIBC Run for the Cure next month. no, i’m not going to run, but i will be walking with runners from work so i expect to have to maintain a good clip. i’ll be using the interim to “train” for this event. that means actually working out and going for walks instead of falling asleep on the futon after work. i may die.
speaking of the futon, i phoned a couple one bedroom basement suites advertised in yesterday’s paper. both are exactly what i pay now, but with a bedroom. the first person i talked too sounded a little creepy, which is disappointing because that suite has a fireplace. i left a message on the second’s machine, asking them to let me know if i could view it if it’s still available. i hope they’re as nice as they sound. a little reverse lookup on the phone number revealed that it’s only about five minutes from where i live now, which is totally convenient. cross your fingers for me! this whole moving thing is getting me all freaked out. i’m mostly worried that my currently landlords will freak because i didn’t give them a 30-day notice.
gah. i’ll think about it tomorrow.
I may have to try that camera exercise myself.
ooh.. photos.. how cool. I love that
i printed that off, to save for later. don’t want to start it now because if all goes the way i want it to, i’ll be starting a photo class before the 8 weeks are up.