10 Thoughts on “if i were a candle…

  1. Hmm. If you were the candle, I dare say either your loins are a-tingling with desire… or you really, really need a Monistat.
    And you’d be looking a little jaundiced.

  2. heather on February 5, 2003 at 10:27 said:

    no! i’d be blobby! *sigh* in jokes just don’t seem to work with you people!

  3. heather on February 5, 2003 at 12:23 said:

    doh, i just got that monistat reference. *sigh* you’re a sick, sick woman, mrs.w.

  4. Oh, please! It’s totally… what is the feminine version of phallic? … looking! Georgia O’Keefe would be proud!

  5. heather on February 5, 2003 at 13:29 said:

    i love georgia!

  6. I also thought it was a reference to the female “thing” too…

  7. heather on February 7, 2003 at 10:08 said:

    i mean, i get it now that you’ve mentioned it, but it’s definitely not the first thing i thought of.
    dirty people! dirty!

  8. You’re saying the female genitalia is dirty? In general or yours specifically or… uh… nevermind, let’s not go there!

  9. heather on February 7, 2003 at 12:58 said:

    some days, i think about disabling the comments.

  10. I sowwy. Slap my wrists.
    Harder harder!

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