“the bad stuff is easier to believe. ever notice that?”

3 Thoughts on “pretty woman

  1. fizzgig on March 17, 2003 at 00:21 said:

    Dunno about the rest of u, but I sure as hell’ve noticed. Tho, I’ve been the target of slander as of late, so I’m probably biased. While it’s almost flattering to be found so damned interesting by so many.. its annoying they believe the wrong shit and give no credit to the honorable things I’ve done/stood for. So yeah. Eat me world.
    Oh, and quit watchin the chick flix pop.. they’ll make ya soft ;)

  2. We notice the good things! :D

  3. heather on March 17, 2003 at 07:49 said:

    there’s nothing wrong with chick flicks!

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