laundry. dishes. shopping. cooking. baking. vacuuming. dusting. tidying. homework. partywork. excuses. spending. eating. watching. wishing. lusting.
the internet is boring today.
while filling up the car with gas on my way home after school yesterday (because who can pass by 85.5¢/L gas?), i amused myself while pumping by ogling the budget van full of teenagers dressed up in 80’s fashions as they ran into the convenience store to buy cigarettes and accross the street to buy alcohol. but, seriously, these kids were hilarious in their anachronism. girls in lace stockings and double-layered skirts. boys in parachute pants and footloose leather ties. way too much red eye shadow and i.c.e. mist hairspray. it made me recall just how horrible the eighties really were, fashion-wise. i wonder if, in twenty years, we’ll look back at photos or re-runs of sit-coms and be just as appalled by our apparent lack of style now as we are of the reagan years.
still bored. i guess i’ll, um, do stuff.
i think rave kids’ll feel the most embarrassed in 20 years, though we’ll all feel pretty daft
hey.. us rave kids resent that remark. ;)