upon returning my cable modem to the big, bad cable company yesterday afternoon, i was informed by the customer service girl that they’d been overcharging me for almost a year. as a result, i don’t have to pay my cable bill for the next two months!
i feel like refried crap today. i really would have loved to have been able to stay in bed, even if i was dreaming of homework.
speaking of homework, i was up late (for me) trying to get a bit of a jump on it last night. then, just as things were coming together, the free server we’re using for our asp development overloaded and nothing would work. that’s one thing about this course that’s utterly ridiculous: if we’re expected to have access to a server to present our work, why doesn’t the school provide it? c’mon, how hard is it to set up a dedicated box for students? not very, i’d wager. anyway, it’s working this morning and i managed to finish the assignment. just one more to go.
it’s official! given any prompting i turn into a cam whore. *sigh* i’m so ashamed.

One Thought on “bits’n’bites

  1. *drool*
    i love your glasses!

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