i finally got my grades for my last course. it’s official. i’m a freakin’ genius! i got 95% which brings my four-course average up to 94% and breaking my streak of ninety-threes. yippee! i’m ultra-chuffed and i want to run around the halls telling everyone how smart i am. *glee*

6 Thoughts on “huzzah!

  1. do it! the more you tell people you’re a supergenius the more they believe you.

  2. col on May 7, 2003 at 17:38 said:

    i always knew you were a smart cookie! :)

  3. andy! on May 7, 2003 at 18:19 said:


  4. let’s see you write essays now ;)

  5. fizzgig on May 8, 2003 at 00:21 said:

    R u sure it wasnt the magic glasses and late night teacher-student “conferances”?

  6. heather on May 8, 2003 at 07:37 said:

    oh, i’m sure it didn’t hurt that pat the t.a. thought i was the bee’s knees.

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