i just ate way too many girl guide cookies. excuse me while i go hurl. *blarg*

6 Thoughts on “ugh

  1. Fizzgig on May 14, 2003 at 23:11 said:

    Did u save me the white ones?

  2. heather on May 15, 2003 at 06:27 said:

    seems i’m the only one who likes the brown ones. everyone at work, when given the chance, took a white one.

  3. thin mints! like scoobie snacks only better

  4. heather on May 15, 2003 at 09:30 said:

    i don’t think we have thin mints up here. but i’m the wrong one to ask, i’m not up on all the girl guide cookie hooplah. i just wanted some cookies yesterday. *shrug*

  5. I’ll send you some next year. I’ve signed up to be a Girl Scout (Brownie troop) leader. Egads. I can’t believe Brownies (they’re like first and second graders!) sell cookies now. Wonder how many points my Samoa addiction will earn our troop alone!

  6. heather on May 15, 2003 at 09:49 said:

    what’s a samoa? the big white fluffy dogs? or those people from fiji?

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