i’m mostly recovered from the Great Move of ’03 which is what i’m calling the pathetically unorganized and under-equipped move we made on sunday. next time, we need to borrow a truck. any truck. and invite more people to join in the lifting and carrying. it was a lot of fun! who wouldn’t be up for joining in? *cough*
seeing as i got more than my weekly allotment of walking back and forth, i decreed that there would be no need to exercise this week (not that there was much threat of it in the forecast, mind you). i happened to forget, as i made this declaration, that i am no longer in possession of the coveted personalized parking spot mere steps from the front door and elevator at my place of employment. a co-worker and department-brethren outbid me by four measley dollars. four dollars! it’s seeming a very small price to pay to not have to walk so very far and up so many stairs every morning. already this week (and it’s only tuesday, mind) i’ve walked up more stairs than i’ve climbed in a month.
oh, the humanity!
just in case you can’t tell, i am playing it up for dramatic effect. yes, i kind of miss my vanity spot. yes, it is a lot longer from my car to the inside now. but, no, i don’t think walking further and climbing stairs is a fate worth than death. god knows i could use it.
i had vivid dreams involving gas stations, car chases, houseboats and a very intimate encounter with a boy i know but haven’t met yet. i like dreaming very much.
tonight, i will make nanaimo bars.
I thought it said “and you thought you were pretty” and was hoping to see a new photo! doh!
Nanaimo Bars — speaking of, a woman here referred to them as Naomi Bars. ha! Ha ha ha ha. I had a hard time not correcting her, but I figured I shouldn’t as I used to refer to them as Nana-imo Bars myself…
What are nanaimo bars and are they yummy? :D
pity the poor ignorant yanks…
I’m always out for a new recipe. What are they?
Isn’t that the project to write a novel in the month of November? ;)