listening to my boss play guitar for us this morning has brought my craving for piano lessons to the top of my brain again. i have a guitar i could learn how to play, but i don’t think it’s for me (and not just because my hands are too little and the neck is too big and i really hate having to cut my nails so short and it just plain hurts until you get your calluses). how often do you see a guitarist reading music? i like reading music. i was awfully good at it at one point. pianists read music and i was awfully fond of playing piano. if i hadn’t had performance anxiety and judyjudyjudy the scary tennant hadn’t moved out and taken her piano with her, i might have kept on playing. then again, i might also have kept up with gymnastics and gone to the olympics, too. (i tried a lot of stuff, but i didn’t keep up with much at all.)
i’ve actually thought, occasionally, of getting a digital piano so that i could play and practice in the comfort of my own hovel and flex the creative side of my brain. luckily for me, the price has been prohibitive. that’s not to say i wouldn’t dump a thousand bucks on something i thought i’d use a lot (see: new computer and digital camera), but i know myself far too well. i’d play piano like a crazy person for a couple of months until i either became bored or overwhelmed with other committments (read: homework) and then the keyboard would sit in the corner my guitar now occupies getting dusty and making me feel guilty every time i looked at it.
there are so many things i’d love to do but i always seem to run out of time. i’ve been pretty good this past week, what with the moving and errands and baking and cleaning, but i can feel that starting to slip away already. i’m always running out of time. especially on weeknights. i like sleeping, so i tend to go to bed early by most standards. it’s not unusual for me to be in bed by 9pm on a monday-friday. unfortunately, that means i have only about four and a half hours to come home, cook/eat dinner, watch anything on the tv i want to watch and do anything else i want to do. it’s just not a lot of time. maybe i should start snorting coke or taking methamphetamines to relinquish my sleep requirement (or, like lorne on angel, get my sleep removed!). just think of all the stuff i could accomplish (if i threw my tv out)! i could become a world renowned something-or-other of this-or-that. i’d be famous for stuff or really good at other stuff what with all that extra time to hone. you’d think someone would have figured this out years ago and got something on the market. maybe that will be my claim to fame!
naw, i think i’ll go have a nap instead.

One Thought on “once upon a time

  1. I play some keys and my music -reading skills are pretty mediocre, I just do it all by ear as well as guitar (or whatever else I play). I think you have to decide what you want to do with piano and/or guitar and schedule time to play. If you can’t it’s no biggie, just pick it up later when things such as homework relent. If you are gonna buy a keyboard, get weighted keys too.

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