kitty *scritch*

there’s very little to say, so you should just pet the kitty. he likes that.

7 Thoughts on “interactivity

  1. Oh my lord, he is ADORABLE! What’s his name? :-)

  2. I moved the cursur over Echo and these “things” came up what was it? Liked the purr.

  3. heather on January 8, 2004 at 19:03 said:

    i don’t know what “things” you mean, but i’m sure i’ll hear about them soon enough.

  4. *sigh* Someday I will have a cat. In the mean time shall covet yours.

  5. heather on January 8, 2004 at 21:00 said:

    i feel your longing, mercy. i, too, will someday have a cat. in the mean time, i just borrow my friend’s.

  6. Just so all know I will rent out Echo or Molson for reasonable rates. Just no dragging them down the street.

  7. fizzgig on January 10, 2004 at 12:35 said:

    lol! but they like that! really!

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