okay, the trays are almost empty and i can breathe a little bit easier. i swear, everything in my life is happening RIGHT NOW and i’m fairly sure i’m going to spontaneously combust any second.
i had a really good time last night at the morrissey with a bunch of relative and notsorelative strangers (yeah, i know i forgot some people, but i ran out of words to cleverly link). as usual, i had to really talk myself into going (i don’t know why i’m so reluctant to go out. once i get there, i almost always have a good time.). the traffic on the bridge was nuts, but i found less-than-$6 parking just a block from the joint, so all was well. i even wore my new minnesota pants for the occasion. yeah, i know, special.
i could say stuff about meeting these blogically-inclined folks, but others have all done a better job and, really, who cares what my opinion is? let’s just say that they’re a very good-looking, lively bunch i’d like to spend time with again and i’m pretty sure i took a brand new crush away with me. ahh, crush!
the moving begins in earnest tomorrow. note the above-mentioned combusting. i’ve been instructed by the brain-melting jeremy that i’m to make a time-lapse photo essay of the move. we’ll see how many trips up and down the Very Steep Stairs it takes for me to say “fuck it” to taking periodic photos.
you know what? i can’t fucking wait to go away. i don’t care how much fear mongering there is going on about flying around north america right now (not to mention only having four days evenings to unpack enough to find the stuff i’ll have to pack to take with me). i’m really looking forward to a week with my biggest responsibility being so adorable they don’t want me to go home.

3 Thoughts on “that’s better

  1. fizzgig on July 16, 2004 at 21:47 said:

    nah, dont worry about flyin. doubt they’ll try the same thing twice.

  2. Are people really still worried about flying? Sheesh, it’s never been safer. I’d be more worried about visiting the Maul of America. ;)

  3. So, how’s the new place? Where are the pictures? Etc. etc.

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