7 Thoughts on “long haul

  1. shy me on December 21, 2004 at 10:58 said:

    how’d you manage to catch it soooooo perfectly on 200000?0000

  2. heather on December 21, 2004 at 11:05 said:

    i drove11kms out of my way and pulled over to take the picture. =)
    it took a surprisingly long time, too.

  3. fizzgig on December 21, 2004 at 12:28 said:

    you should see the odometer in my truck ;)
    somethin like one million two hundred thousand and change.

  4. Okay, so I’m like totally dumb on this whole metric thing (what can I say, I have to have some flaws). Anyone want to convert 200,000 kms to miles? Because I really wasn’t all that impressed with 200,000 miles in how many years, but maybe it’s more impressive in kilometers. ;)
    (On another note, even driving out of the way, how long did you have to coast along somewhere to get the retreating 9’s so perfectly lined up just showing a tiny bit there?)
    (On yet another, yet similar, note, Gary was disappointed the other day he missed seing 111,111 miles. He looked up around 111,113, which is nowhere near as impressive.)

  5. yaa! camera bag!
    umm…can we see a picture of your camera bag or what?

  6. 1 km = .62 mi appoximately 200,000 km = 124,000 mi. Give or take a few…
    Just out of curiosity, Make/Model/Year?

  7. heather on December 22, 2004 at 07:24 said:

    julie: how about a link?
    jeff: 1992 geo metro.

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