
yeah, it’s the same flowers. hey, i don’t get flowers often, so it’s understandable that i want EVERYONE to see them and know that someone brought them to me. if you don’t like it, step off.
i spent most of yesterday sleeping. i totally bailed on tanya’s exorcism barbeque, and for that i feel horrible, but i woke up and it was late and the idea of putting on pants and having to socialize was the absolute last thing which appealed to me. instead i spent an hour killing things in WoW and then went back to bed. i think i must have been tired.
today is the big blogger picnic out at jericho. it’ll be tempting for me to drive past christopher’s house while i’m in the neigbourhood. i wonder if his parents still live there. i used to want to contact a lot of people from my past, now the list is very small and christopher is at the very top. i wonder if the bunnies are still there…

One Thought on “guilted quilting

  1. What great photos! I kind of wish that they were hanging en masse in some gallery so I could get a good look at a lot of them at once.
    Hope we get to meet again. I only wish I got to stay longer at the picnic (I’m not usually dashing off from one event to another). Glad to see Matt and Oana made it.

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