
don’t i feel like an idiot? so, it was just the battery afterall. i got home, stuck it in the charger, prayed for two hours and then put it in the camera. voila, lights and action. i’m so relieved.
the thing i’ve found with the d70 is that the battery will last forEVER, but once that first little bar on the indicator goes away, you better be ready to say goodnight eileen because it won’t last long after that. i can only assume that it had done just that after putting it away thursday and the mere act of keeping the display going over the weekend fully drained it.
don’t get me wrong, i’m very glad it was just the battery, but i was kind of looking forward to sending it away just so i could get the sensor cleaned under warranty.
also, for those of you who don’t use rss and actually come to look a this site as it’s meant to be displayed (yes, i’m bitter), you might have noticed the appearing/disappearing “help me save the boobies” banner which was around for a couple of days. i’m particpating in the CIBC run for the cure this year and i was hoping to solicit those charitable readers to contribute to my fundraising efforts (which, heretofore have included nothing but baking things for team-related bake sales), but the website for the event sucks so much and didn’t even register the one donation i know someone tried to make, that i decided to take the link down and complain about it.
the cause is still great, the event is still great, the people involved are still great, but the website fucking blows this year. unless you land at their front page, there are no “login” links on any other page. i spent a good ten minutes looking for one the other day, just so i could get the “sponsor me” link to put on my site. now this nonsense with donations not getting processed. hell, i can’t even pay my registration fee online! grr.
this is not the way to make someone feel charitable, people!

5 Thoughts on “back in the saddle

  1. You know, that’s why I don’t use aggregators or provide a feed. Not that my site design (and I use the term as loosely as possible) is much to look at, but something about turning my site into text strings rubs me the wrong way.
    Of course, the makes me hopelessly unhip, but that was a lost cause, anyway.

  2. happy camera…

  3. What is that a picture of?

  4. heather on September 14, 2005 at 14:42 said:

    a pack of gum.

  5. Oh thank goodness! I saw the comment about chewing, but I was thought it was a pack of tampons. I really, really didn’t want to ask why you chew tampons when you’re nervous!

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