
i’m completely distracted by my hair today. there’s new goop in it and it smells like apples. ohmygod. if i were a boy and i caught a whiff of my locks i’d totally be all over me like… like… something on something. sorry, i just caught a whiff.
feels like it’s going to be a good day today. there’s a birthday lunch to attend. a time-wasting meeting after that. then only a couple of hours until jamie and colene show up at my place for our (semi-) fish’n’chip catch-up at the pub. i’m really looking forward to tonight.
have i mentioned that i have the next three weeks of television scheduled and actually written down in my daytimer? yes, virginia, the new television season is upon us! i don’t know why, but i get very excited by all the new shows and i try very hard to see the first episode of almost every one. this year is a little different because of the fact i have barely watched my tv since june. the whole process of turning it on and then just sitting there watching something seems somehow wasteful. i was actually thinking about starting a new knitting or crochet project, just to keep my hands busy while i sit there. oh wait, i have a laptop now, i can multi-task! sweet.

3 Thoughts on “scatterblogged

  1. Sounds like you’re feeling better than you were a couple of days ago…nice to see that :)
    I’ve only checked out one episode of the new shows this TV season…the “Reunion” pilot. Man, was that dreadful. Makes me want to retreat to my beloved returnees (yay, “House”).

  2. The Biggest Loser is the best.

  3. Yeah, gotta say, Reunion left a lot to be desired, like maybe one character, just one, that wasn’t a complete cliche. I really was looking forward to the playing with time dimension, too. :( I may give it another try or two to see if it improves, but I won’t hold my breath much.
    I remember going weeks without watching TV, until we moved the computers into the living room where I can do both at the same time. Double the time sucking!
    But since we don’t have anything more than the most basic of basic cable (and Lifetime, because it’s one channel up from where our signal is meant to be cut off, and still comes in, so I can get my fix of bad, bad movies), I find myself realizing I have the dumb TV on just as background noise. Scary, that.
    I’m just waiting for the next season of Veronica Mars, that’s the only show I go out of my way to watch. I enjoyed Lost for a while, but about halfway through the season, I was sick of backstory and wanted some forward story. Building up lots of suspense and having lots of questions are good – but every now and then you have to throw in at least a few answers!
    On the plus side, there sure don’t seem to be many (any?) new reality shows coming out. Finally! Now if only someone would do something that wasn’t a crime show or knock-off of a current show, that’d be nifty.
    This concludes (that other)Heather’s 2005 TV review.

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