
i’ve been super cranky the last couple of days. holy moly, it’s been ugly. thankfully a surprise appearance of the illusive wade and a really great picnic in my office today have helped to diffuse it some. i’m still really annoyed with everything workwise, but thank god for friends. truly.
there’s a busy, social weekend ahead. dinner & movie with jamie and his wife tonight. tomorrow is a meal & another movie with karen. sunday is either the cibc run for the cure & bruch or a photo swap meet, depending on the weather (i’m really really really hoping for rain *rain dance*).
i don’t know why i’m going out so much. i’m absolutely flat broke. completely. i’m actually trying to figure out what i can sell to make some money. it’s my own fault, but it still sucks. ugh. money sucks. SUCKS. i really need a sugardaddy.

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