
this photo is for kevin. the entire ensemble (which means props) can be seen here. i really should have gotten the nose with whiskers i saw at bellis fair last week.
so, in a fit of “i’ve got to start something, anything, dammit” i signed up for nanowrimo this year. i had no idea what kind of novella (that “la” takes a lot of pressure off) i wanted to write, but i’ve been half-starting them for years and thought maybe having a firm deadline might actually give me some incentive to do more than half-start. i was the queen of last minute paper-writing in school. i’d do some reasearch the week the assignment was given then i’d do nothing until the day before it was due. i wasn’t lazy; it was all about the adrenaline.
i thought that having a firm writing committment would be good for me. that i could take lucy out to a cafe, continue my search for the best latte in town and write without the distractions of what’s on television or dishes needing doing or whatever else it is which would distract me. i still think it’s a good idea. i’ll flex my brain. i’ll get out of the house. i’ll drink more coffee.
i’ve decided that i’m finally going to write the story which has been percolating in my brain for almost a decade. joe knows the title. joe knows the plot. joe even knows the devices. too bad i don’t know joe anymore.
it’s also too bad i just picked up from the library a copy of the eleventh wheel of time book. the worst part, even more than it being two years since i read the last one and only having a vague recollection of the dozens of characters in it, is that it’s 761 pages i need to read in the next two weeks. no renewals. there goes that jumpstart i was imagining.
expect updates (read: whining) about the writing process. i have very few expectations for the whole thing, so hopefully i won’t disappoint myself too much if i don’t make it.

7 Thoughts on “day one: writer’s block

  1. I don’t want to spoil your idea, but this must take precedence over your (I’m sure fine) idea:
    Serenity 2: The Return of Wash
    Cut me in for 10% of the gross.

  2. MonkeyButt on November 1, 2005 at 09:23 said:

    As a casual reader of your blog, I am not up to date (I know, I suck) on all the characters you speak about. Who’s Joe?

  3. heather on November 1, 2005 at 09:28 said:

    joe is just a boy from my past.

  4. Yay writing process!

  5. Thank you, bunny.
    A recent (re)aquaintance of mine has tried to convince me to participate in NaMoWriMo. I have my doubts, though.

  6. Next year you can recycle your Halloween look as “Captain Vegetable”: http://www.sesame-encyclopedia.com/Alphabet/SesameC/CaptainVegetable.html

  7. ooh, those bunnyears look fab. i find that most look cheap, but they look perfect.
    must. find. bunnyears.

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