
dear newsreader people: i have a new header thingie i made last night. you might want to clickity-click through to see it. feedback, while not required, is always appreciated.
it’s monday morning, about nine-thirty and i’m sitting in my chair in my underpants and nothing else. this is the first day of my week off and i’m starting it in grand style. i was planning to be down at the midas shop trying my best to seduce chris the midas manager, but i’ve altered my plans a little. mostly because i overslept and i’m not feeling so cute right now. don’t worry, i have not yet abandoned the quest. i’m just reworking my strategy.
yesterday afternoon, on some strange whim, i pulled out the videos made for me by the monkeyfaced boy pictured above, the oldest of which is just shy of being ten years old. gosh. do you even remember the internet back then? when, if you wanted to show someone a photo of you, you actually had to mail it? when, if you wanted to talk to someone with your voice, you had to phone them and incure massive phone bills? when people actually wrote emails with content and conversations instead of instant messaging?
that monkeyfaced boy… i can’t believe it’s soon to be the tenth anniversary of our first phone conversation. i still remember the day. he’d been trying so hard to get me to give him my phone number. i finally relented, then, out of fear, told him he had to wait three hours before he could call. when he did… i was so nervous. i sat on the floor of my bedroom, butt on the ugly green carpet, back against my dresser, clutching my trendy transparent telephone in my hand. the first time i heard his twangy accent part of me melted.
ah, internet love stories. too bad this isn’t one of those. well, kind of, but not really. unrequited? not exactly. unfulfilled? most definitely. i may not have found a lover or a partner in him, but that monkeyfaced boy and i have something, some connection which will never be broken. no matter where we live or how long between times we get to visit, we will always know each other.
today, he lives with his beautiful wife, step-daughter and his ultimate accomplishment: his son. he’s successful, well-respected, loved, admired; everything he’s ever wanted for himself he has and i can’t begin to describe just how happy for him i am.
ten years: who knew so much could change, while so much else could stay exactly the same?

9 Thoughts on “too much time, too many thoughts

  1. Vous avez des belles yeux.

  2. heather on November 7, 2005 at 12:47 said:


  3. Correction: Vous avez des beaux yeux.

  4. Was the banner an attempt to avoid writing the novella? ;-)
    It’s lovely either way.

  5. very pretty – the banner and you!

  6. Captivating eyes, chick. Draws one in. Into your power. What is it you wish of me, divine one?

  7. heather on November 7, 2005 at 16:53 said:

    ooh, divine one. i could get to like that.

  8. The header (and you) look great!

  9. i gotta stop reading your blog through bloglines otherwise i’ll never keep up with the design changes!

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