
so… dante specifically requested my presence at the pub on saturday afternoon. since my baking supply shopping trip was aborted due to everyone in the free world being at the store i decided to oblige. four hours later, i took off to retry the ingredient procurement, and four hours after that he phoned me at home (waking me up).
i think this means he likes me. boys? feel free to weigh in.
otherwise, i went to the eye doctor on friday afternoon where i found out my left-eye blurriness after photographing is normal because i squint in such a manner as to squish my eyeball out of shape, so it can’t focus until it unsquishes. who knew? i’m mostly excited to know i don’t have any eye diseases, but i really can’t wait to get my new glasses some time this week. holy crap are they spanky. my hotness quotient will seriously rise when i get them on my face.
i hope.

10 Thoughts on “big eyes!

  1. heather on December 5, 2005 at 09:50 said:


  2. i think ding! means yes ;)
    and you’re already a hottie. i could go on and on about your hotness and milkshakes, but I’ll leave that for Jamie

  3. Chrissy on December 5, 2005 at 12:45 said:

    I think that you have the coolest eyes that I have seen in a long time – they draw you in! :)

  4. heather on December 5, 2005 at 13:04 said:

    thank you. =)

  5. shy me on December 5, 2005 at 16:05 said:

    hey, sounds good!
    and as soon as you figure out boys? let me know ok?

  6. Heather, you definitely have the mrowrmrowr factor happening. If I weren’t with Matt and were lesbian, by God I’d come through this screen an-.. Oh.

  7. That “ding” was because, when I read this entry the first time, my brain read, “feel free to chime in.” So I was chiming.
    But now I see it says “weigh.” And I can’t really replicate the sound of me weighing myself with text in a manner which anyone who isn’t schizo could understand.
    Sorry for the confusion.
    Oh and, don’t forget, boys are dumb. We don’t pick up on cues, clues, hints, body language, eye contact, morse code, or semifore at all. If you like him, he won’t know at all, not even the slightest clue, until you tell him in plain language.

  8. heather on December 6, 2005 at 10:11 said:

    does kissing count as plain language?
    i’m just curious.

  9. fizzgig on December 6, 2005 at 12:56 said:

    yup. that we understand.

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