oh my god! did you know that there’s this incredible network of trains and busses all over this city moving people ALL DAY LONG? it’s incredible! all you do is get on one of these vehicles, sit and some time later you arrive at your destination! it’s amazing! whoever thought of that is a freaking genius!
yeah, okay. i took transit work today. the roads were questionable due to icy conditions so i decided not to even bother risking the stress involved with driving. 75 minutes later, i walked into the office. not bad, really.
while that first bit is pretty over the top, there really is a part of me which finds the whole transit system rather amazing. i’m like a wide-eyed child when i take the transit to work. i’m looking at everything and enthralled by the whole experience, mostly because i hardly ever do it.
the only wrinkle is the going home tonight. i wanted to go shopping on my way home, to pick up all my baking supplies. now i’ll get home just in time to head over to my optometrist and get my pupils dilated. who wants to take me to the pub after that? did you know that dilated pupils and alcohol make for fun visual effects?

One Thought on “der Bus

  1. The transit people scare me. I keep thinking they’re going to steal my purse ’cause it’s basically a wallet on a string a la MEC and it’s not sturdy enough and there are too many people too close to me…
    Nevermind. I’m not generally so paranoid, but the people do entertain me. Vancouver transit is really very good in terms of frequency and coverage, and most of the people are normal, but just not everybody

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