dear diary,
today i awoke to a blanket of slushy, white glop covering the world. i couldn’t take the bus because my achilles tendon is hurting, so i drove to work; and you know how much i hate driving in snow.
but, i did it anyway!
stupid ankle.
things were going really well until i got to the big hill in burnaby. that’s where the 5 of “2 to 5 centimetres” happened. i could no longer find clear asphalt for my tires. oh, the anxiety!
i slowed down to 40 km/h, annoying everyone behind me. hey, if they want to die then they can go ahead and pass me. motherfuckers. but, i want to keep living my life (especially now that my bedroom is sexxy and i have a real coffee table in the living room), so i shifted into granny mode.
some asshole tried to cut me off. i would have honked, but i couldn’t pry my deathgrip from the steering wheel.
somehow i made it to work, early even, and now i’m just waiting for the granny commute home. this is really putting a crimp in my afterwork shopping plans, let me tell you.
have a great day, diary. keep warm!

One Thought on “holy snow!

  1. We were *supposed* to get some snow down here, but we never did. Kind of disappointed. I was looking forward to a commute I couldn’t do today, and not have to go to work. You think I’m crossing the Fremont Bridge over downtown Portland with a sheet of ice on it? You’re nutso.

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