today, i’m going out for lunch with barb the temp and christopher. tonight, i’m going to theatresports with josh. it’s going to be a very quiet work day for me, which isn’t optimal, but it’s better than PANIC! URGENT! GOTTAFIXTHISRIGHTNOWOHMYGOD! so, i’m not complaining. nope, not me. no complaining here.
i had last night to myself while christopher went to an opening with friends. i came home, got unworkified, cooked a hotdog, watched ‘firefly’ episodes, did some banking, updated toshiro (that’s my mp3 player, you know) with the new music i’ve acquired, watched ‘project runway’, ate ice cream and went to bed at a reasonable hour. i had grand plans of scanning or scrubbing the bathtub or washing the floors, but, well, i just didn’t.
ice cream sounded like a much better plan.

2 Thoughts on “finally friday

  1. When the question is X or Ice Cream, the answer is *always* Ice Cream.

  2. Hessie,
    You may or may not remember me from Redcricket… and I’m sorry to invade your blog like this but I wondered what happened to RC? Did it relocate? Or is it as says and…sadly… not renewed and gone?
    I admit I haven’t been there in some time (you know, that life thing) but I was so sad when I went to check in and couldn’t. =(
    I thought maybe you could enlighten me (I found you by googling “Redcricket Community”). Thanks, and this is a really cool blog you have here. =)
    Thanks again!

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