so, the problem with writing on your website about how you wouldn’t totally hate the idea of ditching plans with friends to stay home and play with your Wii comes when those same friends read your website and spend the first twenty minutes of your evening with them bugging you about how you almost ditched them to play with your Wii and why didn’t you bring your Wii with you so *we* could play with it, anyway?
once that part of the evening was settled, we had a great night hanging out at nelson’s sweet pad eating gross amounts of sushi and home-baked white chocolate & macadamia nut cookies, catching up on each others’ lives and “big news” items. colene ended up wearing nelson’s pants and we all got to meet his hetero life-mate, david (who may not be a blogger, but is a ballroom dancer which, i think, is just as geeky).
by the time i got home, settled and into bed it was well past my preferred work-night bedtime, but it was worth the lack of sleep. well worth. those are some pretty awesome friends, i’ve got. i’m so lucky. well, i say that until i’m sitting in an ambulance after breaking something on this skiing experience we’re supposed to be embarking upon.

One Thought on “they’re two-cup bags!

  1. haha, nice title ;)
    ps. you’re awesome too…with or without a wii.

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