1. a new winter coat which fits perfectly, looks great and makes me feel pretty.
2. a new curling iron which seems to work better as a straightener on my hair.
3. having a fantastic hair day (because of said curling/flat iron), which made my boyfriend stare at me (in the good way) most of the night.

3 Thoughts on “three things making me happy

  1. *hehe* I got the same coat. Except Lane Bryant are morons (LONG story) and I’ve returned it. You could have just had mine! *lol*

  2. heather on December 12, 2007 at 05:52 said:

    i was *so* worried that it wouldn’t fit right, be too big/too small, and i’d have to send it back.
    i’m sorry to hear yours went back… it really is a great coat!

  3. Yeah, it’s strange how curling irons can do the opposite. It used to be the case with me, when I was a teenager with very curly hair (hormones, I guess) a curling iron would straighten my hair, mostly anyways.
    Nice coat. I hate how coats are so expensive.

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