nothing makes a chronically early person more anxious than not one, not two, but three car accidents on her way to an appointment.
oh well… i guess my sore tooth can wait a week or two more.

4 Thoughts on “dear dentist

  1. Do you mean that you saw 3 car accidents on your way to an appointment, or you were IN 3 car accidents?

  2. (that other)Heather on December 19, 2007 at 19:52 said:

    Yeah, I was trying to figure that one out too!

  3. heather on December 19, 2007 at 19:55 said:

    just traffic accidents along my route home. not any i was involved in.
    trust me, there’d have been a lot more to that post if i’d been in three accidents in one evening!

  4. (that other)Heather on December 20, 2007 at 12:30 said:

    Well, I was baffled either way. Why you’d be so calm if you’d had three accidents, or why you’d skip the dentist because you saw three accidents.
    So, have you received our holiday card yet? And the box I sent you like months ago?

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