lead the way

i didn’t make any new year’s resolutions. i made a point of avoiding them completely this year. i know that most of the time, they’re a barrier to success, not a goal to strive for. people over-estimate their ability to make many drastic lifestyle changes all at once: go to the gym, quit smoking, find a significant other, work harder, eat better, be nicer, save money, learn japanese.
especially for me. if i try to make a lot of big changes all at once, i know i’m doomed to failure. therefore, i didn’t plan any changes. that is, of course, when they started to occur almost of their own accord.
after what seems like years of just talking about it, i’ve finally taken my friend Colene up on her many offers of support, camaraderie and free gym equipment. she’s dubbed us the “celebrity fit club” (because it sounds better than “the biggest loser”, she says) and we have a thrice-weekly workout date.
last night marked the end of week one. i’ve sweated more in the last few days than i have in the last year. i know it sounds pretty disgusting, but it’s that healthy, glistening, workout sweat which they try to mimic by rubbing underwear models with baby oil in fitness equipment infomercials. but i got mine the old fashioned way: exercise!
honestly, i thought it’d be a lot harder to get into the groove with it than it has been. i made a point of not trying to go 100 mph right out of the gate, so i’m actually feeling really good and look forward to each next workout. hell, i’ve even considered making supplementary trips to the fitness room at work on our off days. how crazy is that?
Couch to 5K has been something i’ve been mentioning off and on for a month or so as a fitness goal i’d like to strive for. i realize now that i’m not quite ready to even start week one of that program, but at least i’m on the right track. i’m giving myself a month to work up to a level where that first week’s alternating 60 seconds of jogging won’t make me want to rip out my lungs and leave them in a ditch to feed some rabid skunks.
hm, now i wonder if i’m just thinking too far ahead. maybe i should just stick to one workout at at time… at least until the habit is firmly ensconced.
here’s to little changes with big rewards!

5 Thoughts on “new leaves, et al

  1. yay us!

  2. Congrats on the Celebrity Fit Club! :-)

  3. awesome!
    but i want to be in the celebrity fit club too! the “renovation fit club” isn’t as much fun, let me tell you. my workouts are mostly lonely and last half the day, and i’ll only be sweating “equity” at a later date. haha….

  4. Good for you!
    Also, it’s so good that you’re trying to take things at a sensible pace and not overdo it. Brad has been recovering for the last two weeks from a knee injury because we jumped too quickly into couch to 5K.

  5. Yay you guys! One workout at a time is an excellent way to go : )

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