this day held so much promise, what with the six people i was going to see naked and the potential for a yummy lunch from the awesome thai place. i should have known it wouldn’t hold up.
let’s just say that when i had to resort to mcdonald’s drive-thru for lunch, i suspected it was all downhill from there.
my work-day ended with my “awesome” supervisor pulling rank and reminding me that he really doesn’t care — something i’d realized before i left, but obviously forgot what with all the near-death trauma. oh well. if he wants to play it that way, all i can say is he might not actually like having me not being able to do anything without checking with him first. trust me, i do a lot on my own initiative, but hey… if he doesn’t trust my judgment in matters relating to my job, i guess he’ll have to deal with me running every. single. thing. by him every. single. day.
luckily, i have the best boyfriend in the world. when i finally got home, he was cooking dinner and there were a dozen red roses on my desk.
now we’re just chilling and enjoying a quiet night. although, it really does not feel like friday to me for some reason. that’s not so bad, because then getting to sleep in tomorrow morning will feel extra-decadent!