well, the novell server crashed last night. the only thing i have access to is the internet. i can absolutely no actual work right now. oh, and the worst case scenario: when the server comes back up, i may have to RE-DO the last five days work because the backups haven’t worked properly in two years.
i’m having more coffee.

4 Thoughts on “geez louise

  1. Goddess on May 16, 2001 at 08:43 said:

    I’m sorry!!

  2. (the shorter)Heather on May 16, 2001 at 09:52 said:

    Um… did the just discover the backups haven’t been working, or for two years have they been doing back ups even though they knew they don’t work?? Gotta love that. :(

  3. heather on May 16, 2001 at 10:59 said:

    oh, they’ve known they haven’t worked. actually, had a meeting and discovered they HAVE been working. data has been written to the tapes. but, and here’s the kicker, we have no drive to read the tapes which have been written to. the data is there (five days old) but we can’t recover it.

  4. paige on May 16, 2001 at 13:57 said:


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