i was struck by a sudden, sadistic urge this morning on my way to work. one morning, while on my commute, i’m going to put my four-way flashers (aka hazards) on and drive the entire way at no more than 20 kilometres per hour. of course, it will take me half the day to get to work, but damn, it’ll be fun annoying hundreds of commuters along the way.

4 Thoughts on “it’s *my* road, thankyouverymuch

  1. paige on June 7, 2001 at 11:08 said:

    i do that now. just to piss off people that tailgate me. the closer they get, the slower i go. bastards.

  2. Goddess on June 7, 2001 at 11:12 said:

    I sometimes think about how much fun it would be to ram the hell out of the unsuspecting drivers around me. *giggle* *giggle* *giggle* For real.

  3. kaydee on June 7, 2001 at 23:29 said:

    i got this idea in my mind EVERY DAY. yeh – for real. *RAM RAM RAM*

  4. Goddess on June 8, 2001 at 11:10 said:


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