*sigh* most of the sites i read seem to use blogvoices, and blogvoices is making them load like slugs on valium today. i need to start a greymatter movement pretty quick.

5 Thoughts on “blogvoices, ptooey

  1. or get everybody running PHP…

  2. heather on February 13, 2001 at 07:22 said:

    but then they’re still tied to blogger’s servers. at the mercy of one guy in california… i don’t like the thought of that.
    probably explains why i don’t use windows, either.

  3. wish i knew enough to go out and help that one poor guy in california. poor thing. i love blogger!

  4. you aren’t tied to blogger if you use php? my comments section will work, with a little tweeking, for greymatter also.

  5. heather on February 13, 2001 at 11:06 said:

    php for comments, yes. but they’ll still be using blogger to post. why not get away from any outside servers and be completely in command of your content and processing?

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