i was so eager to get back to work after my sick-day that i arrived forty-five minutes early and didn’t spend any of that time surfing online. i got right to work. i’m still working, two hours later. and it looks like i’ll be working all day! imagine, working all day long. i can’t. it makes me dizzy. oh, wait, maybe that’s my cold meds. ah-ha! cold medication makes me productive! no wonder they have the closed air circulation system in this building. the sicker we are, the more cold meds we’ll take and the more work we’ll get done in our drug-induced fogs. i’ve got their number, yes i do. can’t pull the wool over my eyes!
in other news, my hair is super ringlety today and everyone’s commenting on how adorable i am. yay me!

9 Thoughts on “gibby hair!

  1. but do they know the inner you like us?
    (while we wait for an updated pic of the outer you)

  2. um..hacity,hack,hack…wellllah

  3. heather on September 26, 2001 at 10:18 said:

    that’s one of the oldest pictures of me you could have found, guru. circa 1995, if i recall correctly.
    and you’ll get a damn picture when i get around to it!
    http://fubsy.net/blog/images/specs.jpg is the most recent. of course, that’s when i had all my hair.

  4. actually..this is older: http://fubsy.net/images/hessbeer.jpg
    but whos counting…

  5. heather on September 26, 2001 at 10:36 said:

    i said “one of the oldest”, you picky bastard. ;)

  6. pssst you are adorable

  7. heather on September 26, 2001 at 11:01 said:

    ack! am not. am not. am not!

  8. ack! am too. am too. am too.

  9. heather on September 27, 2001 at 07:11 said:

    shuddup. *stomps foot*

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