you know, i thought that since i’d finally woken up when my alarm went off and managed to get out of the house not late, but early, i’d have a good day. since the second i got here, it’s been nothing but interruptions and people coming for assistance and phone calls from my boss bugging me about the crap that val dumped on me. i felt bad for getting pissy at him about it since he’s not feeling well, but geez… *deep breath* and now i’m getting a headache and there was only a half a cup of crappy coffee in the pot. at least i’m having a good hair day.
i need a hug.
(*(*( SUPER MEGA HUG! )*)*)
Take a deep breath and get some aspirin. It’s be okay. =)
misery loves company. upon ariving at work this morning, i dropped a bottle of oj and watched in horror as it exploded everywhere. but it’s friday so everything’s okay. plus it’s homecoming weekend so i’m leaving work early. yay!
oops. sorry, wrong appendage.
[[big hug]]
*hug* I need a hug too, ‘cuz I’m having the same kind of day. Gosh-darned databases.
hugs at ya…
thanks, everyone (except scott)! you’ve no idea how much i appreciate it.
*hugs back*
well see! as long as it’s not bad coffee and bad hair on the same day. if it were both, now then you’d be in trouble.