there’s nothing better than coming home from a shopping trip with a bag full of pretty underthings. i’m going to spend the rest of the afternoon in my apartment modelling them for myself.

6 Thoughts on “supermodel wannabe

  1. Now THERE’s a reason for you cam to be turned on…

  2. ditto

  3. heather on October 23, 2001 at 16:42 said:

    i must say… skin-tight black velvet is *really* nice to touch.

  4. those men are still at your window, aren’t they?

  5. andy! on October 24, 2001 at 06:26 said:

    don’t tease the animals — it’s not nice. and don’t tap on the glass, it hurts our ears. i mean their ears. yeah.

  6. heather on October 24, 2001 at 08:04 said:

    *innocent smile*

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