i had horrible, horrible anxiety dreams all night long. at one point, i woke up shaking from head to foot. it took a lot of twitching and violent blinking to get rid of the image of my little grey kitten falling four stories to his damage. then there was the harry potter-esque storyline where i was being accused of making this girl’s nose grow when i hadn’t even learned any magic yet. i kept being accused of nasty things, and i had no way to prove they weren’t my fault. besides the bad dreams, i had this nagging feeling that i had to be somewhere today so i couldn’t even go back to sleep in peace.
all i can say is thank god for viva puffs & coffee breakfasts.

2 Thoughts on “dreams are for the weak

  1. heather on October 27, 2001 at 12:40 said:

    oh yeah, and pop-danishes played a major role.

  2. I’m sorry ’bout your dreams. Mine were weird last night, too. I was back in the Marines, having to get troops ready for some big parade. That’s worse than preparing for combat!!!

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