there’s an inch-long grey hair sticking out from the top of my head. i just happened to catch it in the right light while admiring my beautiful *snort* self in the bathroom mirror.
“hey, that’s shiny,” i thought. “oh, shit. no!”
with single-minded determination i weeded through my brunette follicles until i grasped the offender. and it escaped. the bastard is taunting me now. it knows it’s too little to be extracted without tweezers. it knows i’m twenty-five kilometres and six hours from my tweezers. it’s laughing at me, enjoying my discomforture at knowing that anyone who happens to glance at my head in just the right way will see it… see my mortality leaking from my skull, one grey hair at a time.
i refuse to go grey before i’m thirty. i may not win the war, but i will win this battle!

One Thought on “gah!

  1. Yes, but you’re only 15.5 miles from your tweezers, so threaten the little beastie with THAT!!

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