i had a mildly disturbing sex dream about mark from work last night. it was disturbing because i don’t find him even the itsiest bit attractive. but, there he was, nudging and leaning and putting his hands on inappropriate parts of my body. then he got all pissy because i wouldn’t screw him. he went off in a huff only to come right back and try again. hey, what can i say? i’m irresistable!
i finally ditched him only to find sean connery working in a russian deli. so i stalked him for a while until i woke up.
now, despite nine hours of (fitful, too warm, busy dream) sleep, i’m nodding off at my desk. gah. it’s not even seven thirty yet. it’s going to be a long day.

3 Thoughts on “dreams are weird

  1. Hahahaha….
    My dreams were better; Shirley Manson was doing domestic housework for me in my house. She was having a hard time with the base boards so I was showing her how to clean them properly. Then the dream morphed into me being a Lance Corporal in the Marines again cleaning my room for inspection in the barracks.

  2. Jenny on November 7, 2001 at 10:32 said:

    I had a MUCH better dream! I was kidnapped by a Arab prince. Though I tried to defy him, I of course end up with him. I wake up with being made queen and teaching the people how to act like Americans. *sigh* if only dreams could become reality!

  3. exchange B for W. :) at least make it a fun dream.

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