i was in the middle of a delightfully babbly post about my day and the random thoughts i’ve been having and the intense dreams which have beset me the last few nights when my computer locked up so i gave up and had an illicit 3 o’clock nap. it was very clever. i’m rather upset i lost it. now you just get to hear about the sugar cookie lotion i got from my secret cricket, the trivia i’m going to play tonight and the conversation i’m having with someone i’ve known forever yet never really knew.
by the way, my desk is mess and it cheerios are my new snack food of choice.
why do people think i have a sexy voice? i sound like a twelve year old. pedophiles!

2 Thoughts on “stupid computer

  1. wait…you don’t have a sexy voice?

  2. umm… did I meet you in a trailer park once in California?
    No… couldn’t have been you…

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