i wonder if anyone would notice if i stopped wearing my nose ring.
by the way, i’m really tired and i’d rather be at home in my very clean, fresh-cut flowered apartment than be here right now.

4 Thoughts on “*grunt*

  1. nose rings are so passe. i’m going to have my spleen pierced.

  2. Spleen pierced? They used to do that in the medeival days… Now, piercing one’s pelvis. THAT’s a statement!
    …and I would like to be at home today to (although not piercing anything, thank you).

  3. there’s no place like home…there’s no place like home…there’s no place like home…
    damnit, my shoes are broken.

  4. i’m thinking a tatooed colostomy bag would be all the rage now-adays.

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