there is a survivor contestant who is exactly my age, both of us having the same birthday and year. i suppose i know who i’m rooting for to win.
i was browsing through the player profiles for kicks and i was struck by how stupid these people must be. not even for the obvious reason of going on that kind of show in the first place. you see, these people have no idea how to pick their luxury items. let me list the dummest choices: massage oils, bible, lock of horse hair, necklace, scriptures, book of poetry the contestant wrote!
come on! none of these things are in any way useful. yeah, yeah… comfort items. bleh. you have to be creative with your choices like the following: pillow, football, canvas & paints, cologne. interactive! selfish! odour-masking! those people were thinking.
me, i’d have a hard time choosing between a deck of cards and a toothbrush.

7 Thoughts on “don’t look at me like that

  1. hey, massage oils could be interactive.

  2. No double A batteries for … ummm well, you know….lol

  3. does a laptop with a wireless t1 satellite feed count as one luxury item?

  4. palm pilot is standard equipment, right? so, then, sure, a toothbrush for luxury…

  5. i forgot the laptop. i mean, how could i go 39 days without digitally documenting my daily drear?

  6. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m thinking bug spray might be a good idea.

  7. I think the pillow would be wonderful to have though – a nice bug fluffy king-size pillow!

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