i seem to be having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit this year. don’t get me wrong, i’ve done some baking, wrapped a dozen presents and even found myself whistling carols on the street; yet… i haven’t put up any decorations nor sent a single card to anyone. maybe i’m just lazy. no, i’m really not into the seasonal cheer.
i think most of my potential excitement has been numbed by my utter stress about money. ever since the death of the hessmobile, i seem to be doing nothing but trying to get the Visa paid off. i have it in my head that i absolutely have to get the credit card balance to zero before January 1st. it’s a reachable goal, but it’s sucking all the fun right out of me.
christopher is probably pretty fed up with me always saying i’m broke. actually, there’s no probably about it. i know he is. not any more than i am, though. of that i’m sure.
being fiscally responsible just plain sucks. especially at christmas time.

2 Thoughts on “a wee bit of humbug

  1. wow, i hardly comment anymore huh? but i just wanted to say that being fiscally responsible on the holidays is like dieting at the same time. it sucks to do and it sucks to watch people do what you’re not allowed to do. so don’t worry i know what you’re feeling and although i might not be the most fiscally responsible during this time of year, i’m definitely on a diet :) hope things get better h.

  2. i think what you’re doing is terrific. this is definitely a tough time of year to be responsible, but you’ll feel really great at owing less on those damn bills. *hug*

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