spending a relatively low-key evening with christopher last night was exactly what the doctor ordered. we did a little shopping, watched a lot of marx brothers movies and ate even more yummy indian food (mm, pakoras). it was a good dose of quality time i was needing to make my week. and, considering my plans for the next few days (dinner & seeing kissed with jen tomorrow night, then taking off to the island for three days), it may be the only dose of boy i get for a while longer. *pout*
in other news, i finally bought myself some magic: the gathering cards, so travis can invite me to play with him and the boys again (and to the eatery for sushi!). i just need to find a couple of 20-sided dice and i’ll be all set. *taps to dispel dorkiness*

6 Thoughts on “ahh… that’s better

  1. Three cheers for peer pressure!

  2. yeah… i thought you’d like that. ;p

  3. How odd, we just passed a sign in a “storefront” (I use the term losely) advertising Magic, TG cards, and I looked at Gary and said “they still MAKE those?”
    I think there were also some disparaging nerdy pasttimes, but I’ll spare you. ;-)

  4. nerd cards!

  5. I know little of this “Magic”, but I certainly am dorky enough to appreciate Marx Brothers films! I still watch “Night at the Opera” from time to time…

  6. we just watched ‘night at the opera’ last night. =)

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