Yikes, had I just read that somewhere I’d have thought you wrote it, not based so much on the emotion behind it (which also sounds right), but the style and little life-details. And *hug*
imagine my surprise when i clicked on the link and my last post was suddenly on my screen. somehow it’s a bit comforting to know someone else feels the same things i do, you know? but i’m sorry to hear you’re feeling crappy too. *hugs* for you.
the sad part about it, is that i feel better today, but not because i don’t feel any different than i did last night, but just because it’s not as *intense* this morning. i’ve felt all that for years, and i may feel like it for many years beyond now.
perhaps that’s what scares me the most. not knowing if and when i’ll ever feel okay inside. *tries not to cry, again*
you know, i think this calls for a little chocolate therapy. ;)
Yikes, had I just read that somewhere I’d have thought you wrote it, not based so much on the emotion behind it (which also sounds right), but the style and little life-details. And *hug*
thank you. that’s a wonderful compliment.
imagine my surprise when i clicked on the link and my last post was suddenly on my screen. somehow it’s a bit comforting to know someone else feels the same things i do, you know? but i’m sorry to hear you’re feeling crappy too. *hugs* for you.
the sad part about it, is that i feel better today, but not because i don’t feel any different than i did last night, but just because it’s not as *intense* this morning. i’ve felt all that for years, and i may feel like it for many years beyond now.
perhaps that’s what scares me the most. not knowing if and when i’ll ever feel okay inside. *tries not to cry, again*
you know, i think this calls for a little chocolate therapy. ;)