
alert! there have been words written in the nanowrimo file! 1,320 of them, to be exact. i actually found a little bit of inspiration on the ferry rides i took this week. while i’m pretty sure i won’t be getting 48,680 more of them written before the end of the month, i’m fairly confident that this is the beginning of that story i started in my head eight years ago.
the file lives on lucy, so it will go travelling with us and hopefully there will be more inspiration along the way. i actually feel pretty good about the start i’ve made. now i just need to make some plans for where it’s going to go, instead of wandering aimlessly through a sea of paragraphs and getting hopelessly lost.
i’m sad today is the last day of my vacation. it’s going to be unbearably difficult to wake up at 5:30 am tomorrow. ugh.

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