blah. birthday in a week. blah blah. craving frozen yogurt. blah. still don’t feel great. blah. vacation starts in two days and 2.5 work hours. blah blah. it’s hot. blah! the quick trip to ontario is bracketed by 5 hours of flying and 11 hours of driving — EACH WAY. blah blah blah. feel like hiding from people. blah. rediscovering vegetables is yummy. blah blah. christopher got me the coveted jellyfish pooh yesterday — he’s so awesome. blah. six rolls of film to scan. blah blah. need a hug. blah.

5 Thoughts on “blah.

  1. *double hug*

  2. thanks, guys.

  3. jen on June 27, 2006 at 18:05 said:

    *super tight hug*

  4. -j. on June 28, 2006 at 08:19 said:

    *group hug*

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