Hi, I’m bruce, Mr. 10,000th comment. As part of that prize package I’ve been left the keys to Freakishly Prompt while Heather is off. I, as well as a few others have been invited to “guest blog”, with the only instructions being “just make it literate and fun”.
As an Okie (someone from Oklahoma — its a state in the U.S.) we don’t really do literate. Well, except for S.E. Hinton who also happens to live around here somewhere. And if any of you have ever ventured over to my website you’ll see that I don’t really do fun either, just politics.
But I do like guest blogging, because it reminds me of housesitting. Especially this sweet housesitting gig I once had, where I was given free run of the swimming pool, the DVD collection, the imported beer in the garage fridge, and Omaha Steaks.
My girlfriend and I would head over after work, feed the animals, water the garden, swim in the pool, drink beer, grill steaks and watch movies until the crack of dawn.
And this… this, is nothing like that. Except the drinking of the beer.

5 Thoughts on “Blogsitting

  1. very literate entry. :)

  2. and, capitals, too! :)
    Welcome to Heather’s blog, Bruce. Coincidentally, I just handed over ‘the keys’ to my boyfriend today for the first time ever — He’s now blogging on my site. Kinda a little frightening, in a good kinda way.
    I look forward to reading more from you while H is away!

  3. okay, first you win the 10,000th comment prize and now you steal the first guest blog post? damnnnn youuuuuu ;)

  4. shy me on April 4, 2005 at 17:46 said:

    se hinton rocks and therefore so you do. ta DA!

  5. Yeah, I thought throwing in the SE Hinton thing would help qualify my post as literate. It was either that or throw out an obscure reference to Greek Mythology. My Faulkner course shall not go to waste…!!
    Now Col, it was your idea, and I waited a good day to post anything…
    A scene from The Outsiders was filmed less than a mile from where I lived. The one with the old white two story house? I walked up there and took a peek while they were filming. I couldn’t see any stars though. But still, its a claim to fame. That and the 10,000th comment thing… I think I’ve used up a good 2 of my 15 minutes… ?

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