
it feels so odd, yet so good, to be back in my own chair and at my own desk at work this morning. i have a lot of paper to plow through to catch up from the last two weeks, but i can’t complain too much. byron totally slayed a couple of my biggest, ugliest, grossest tasks which i never had time to do. it feels really good to have them off my back finally.
my weekend was really great, too, even though i was so busy on saturday it actually felt like i’d missed it entirely. i totally made up for it with thirteen hours of concentrated sloth yesterday, though. m&m showed up unexpectedly to show off mark’s brand new chevrolet cobalt they bought on wednesday.
the biggest accomplishment was the first-time creation of creme brulee (as pictured above). it was a huge hit and i don’t think anyone died from it, but i haven’t heard from any of them since, so i could totally be an inadvertent murderess. oops!
i still have lots of stuff to talk about and i should have some more time to actually do it this week, i hope. happy monday!

6 Thoughts on “catch-up

  1. Mmm…creme brulee. I had some in Hawaii. I thought of you :)

  2. i love that blowtorch! love it!

  3. heather on August 29, 2005 at 14:34 said:

    wow, crazy half-finished sentences. sorry.
    i totally thought of you while making and consuming the brulee, mel!

  4. Hey, if you made the creme brulee…then who took that awesome photo of someone (you?) wielding the blowtorch? Or did you make the brulee but didn’t do the brulee-ing so you could take this awesome picture?

  5. heather on August 29, 2005 at 18:42 said:

    what an amazing astute question you ask, fg. if you must know, my stand-in photographer took that awesome photo of my fat little fingers wielding the terrible power of the blowtorch. he did a great job, didn’t he?

  6. Creme brulee = fantastique. I’m posting here so you know I didn’t die from it either.

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