i realized yesterday that i have $2,000 sitting in a bank account. just sitting. it’s not retirement or car insurance savings. it’s just… saved. the me from 1995 is like “WTF? why aren’t you spending that shit and all the other credit on your cards?! we have trips to take and crap to buy!!” hell, the me from 2005 is wondering the same thing. oh, time. how she changes us.

i’m going through a really strong phase of wondering why the hell anyone likes me. seriously, i keep observing my interactions with people and just shaking my head in disbelief that they see anything interesting or attractive about my personality (we won’t even talk about my external parts right now). i haven’t had such a prolonged bought of the unworthies for a long time and i don’t like it much at all. btw, this isn’t a plea for reasons why i’m awesome (that’ll just make me feel less deserving of them = IRONY), it’s just a getting-it-out-there.

i’d love to stop talking about my cats now, but they’re so fucking awesome, how can i? my favourite Amy thing is when i get home from work and she jumps up on the bed to head-butt me until we’re both almost concussed. my favourite Rose thing is watching her tubby little tabby body play with her rattly mouse toy — she’s a roly-poly play machine with a killer pounce.

two weeks until two weeks vacation. omg, so close.

it may not be a dyson, but i LOVE my new vacuum. wow. really. LOVE. it’s actually a little bit obscene. yay bissell! thanks, scott the vacuum sales guy at sears. you done me good. except, now all i want to do is vacuum shit. good thing there’s lots to vacuum these days.

i can’t get over how pissed off i get if i can’t complete a workout. last night, almost at the end of bootcamp, i started to get a leg cramp. it’s not uncommon, but it is kind of weird. i can feel it coming on and if i don’t manage it just right my entire leg will go into spasm. so, i ripped off my knee brace (i think that exacerbates it) and spent the last ten minutes of class hunched over in the corner trying to keep my leg from falling off. grr. i try so hard and i’m so disappointed in myself when i can’t finish the circuit or have to modify everything too much. i just want to do everything everyone else does, dammit! it feels like such a failure.

i’ve had kingsley for a year already and i’ve spent a grand total of $150 on maintenance. HAHAHA! take that, liselotte! i’m so glad i made the decision to get a new car last year. it has removed such a huge worry from my mind. i get in, it goes, it stops, i get out. it doesn’t hurt that it’s zoom-zoom cute, either. yeah, king. you and i are going to go far together.


i drove to work today.
now, before y’all get your panties in a twist, i have a perfectly valid and reasonable explanation for this turn of events: my dad is going on a cruise.
i can almost hear all of you cocking your head to one side, thinking “huh?”.
you see, when my father goes away for one of his expensive and awesome vacations, i get the use of his car. this started when i still had the Geo and he refused to ride in it when i drove him to the airport (actually, it started in early 1990 before i even had a car of my own; but, i digress). i’d drive him in his vehicle and he’d just let me keep it while he was gone. now, it’s a tradition of sorts. dad takes a trip, i get to drive the nice car.
this week was to be a real-world test of what it would be like for me to not own a car. if i didn’t own a car, damn skippy i’d take his and use it at every opportunity! therefore, i don’t see any reason why i should feel bad for doing so.
okay, so it’s a little bit cop-out-y, but hey! would you turn down the use of the car with power steering, remote door locks and brand-new transmission if it were handed to you on a silver platter? besides, it’s supposed to be all stormy the next few days. you wouldn’t want me to get wet, catch a chill and then die of H1N1, would you?
i didn’t think so.
so… road trip, anyone?

the most memorable part of my transit commute today: the fart someone let loose on the train.
other than a bit of stink, taking transit wasn’t a big whoop today. i did have to leave 30 minutes early to arrive 10 minutes late and, because i needed to go get stuck by the vampires, i didn’t get home until an hour later than usual. otherwise, it was fairly uneventful. it just took longer than normal and i couldn’t easily stop for this or that. of course, the weather was nice and neutral for both my trips. i’m sure i won’t be quite so positive if i have to slog home in the rain tomorrow night.
what’s interesting is the different reactions i get from people when i mention what i’m doing and just how close i am to ditching my car. the first reaction is usually “oh, what’re you going to buy?” then i have to tell them that i have no immediate plans to purchase a replacement vehicle and they look amusingly perplexed. some people get it, but the majority kind of jump into car-buying-advice mode without really getting my motives.
i suppose this whole carlessness will really start to settle in once the novelty of transit commuting wears off. or, i have to lug home a package of toilet paper home on the bus.